We welcome enthusiastic, experienced and confident singers from all over Europe to join us to sing and perform. We take singing seriously and enjoy spending time together too.

Members have access to digital resources for line tapes and sheet music to learn the current music repertoire, and in addition to scheduled rehearsals are encouraged to meet online with other members for sectional or small group rehearsals if they can.

EQC members pay their own way to rehearsals and events, and support the running costs of the choir with a monthly contribution of €23 (music team expenses, music costs, venue hire, etc.) and we rely on members volunteering to help keep the choir running with its Coordinating Group.
If you are attending a festival with another choir you might be able to attend and sing with us too! Hence it is always worth a try to get in touch with us, when and where might someone of EQC a good first contact to talk with. Please do not hesitate to use our contact sheet, without any obligation!
Just drop us a line [ HERE ].