Best memories
As one of our last highlights, we participated in Various Voices in Bologna/Italy in June 2023.
Various Voices is the most important European LGBTQ+ choral festival of LEGATO, the European Association of LGBTQ+ Choirs, which usually takes place every four years.

The 2023 festival had been led by the local choir Komos, Coro LGBT di Bologna, and took place in this amazing historic city. Our special repertoire we worked on for this festival is called ‘La Revolucion Sexual’ with some catchy southern European rhythms!

We enjoyed the ‘Hand in Hand’ festivals of UK & Ireland Proud Voices, in Manchester/UK 2017, Cardiff/UK 2019 and most recently in Bristol/UK in the summer of 2024.
We also performed at smaller festivals such as Palma, Mallorca/Spain in 2021. Before that, we were at Various Voices, the legendary European event in Munich/Germany in 2018.

Splendid future
We are looking forward to a ‘Meet and Greet’ with VOCES GAUDII, one of the famous Polish LGBTQ+ choirs with enormous creative power, in Warsaw/Poland in September 2025!
In 2026, we are already registered as one of the choirs that will take part in the Various Voices Festival in Brussels, Belgium! This will be very exciting…
All festivals are not competitions, but celebrations of music and community up to thousands of singers and a fantastic opportunity to hear and see a whole range of choirs perform.
And now the only question might be:
(when) would you like to join us [ HERE ] ?